Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nesting Materials for the Birds

 For the past several years I have been putting out dog fur for my backyard birds. It is a joy to watch my feathered friends gather our golden retrievers fur for their nests. I have seen tufted titmice, black capped chickadees, goldfinch, and even an oriole tugging away at the fur.

If you don't have any dog fur of your own, you may want to stop by a local groomer and request a bagful. Our groomer is more than happy to give fur away. If that isn't an option, you could gather some old string pieces, yarn, raffia or ribbon. Robins love the larger materials so anything that is "string like" would work.

Stuff your nesting materials in a container that has openings. I use an old wire planter and a suet cage that I hang out on a shepherds hook. You could also hang it on a nearby tree or shrub. Make sure it is close by so you can watch all the fun.

Happy Birdwatching!

1 comment:

  1. Just discovered your blog. It's very straightforward and informative. I like that. You've already given me three great ideas. Dog's hair for the birds, a way to build an easy cold frame (with explicit directions), and the great idea of using Christmas lights for a heat coil. How smart. I've been gardening for years, but always looking for more ideas. There's always more to learn. Thanks.
