Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day Mother Nature!! 
If you think about it, we wouldn't have all things without her. So in her honor, we could all do one thing to help save these precious resources that she provides us with.
Here are some examples of some little things you can incorporate into your daily lives without too much of an inconvience....

Don't let the water run while you are brushing your teeth or letting the shower run while shaving.

Turn off your car when waiting to pick up the kids at school or practice.

Purchase and use those cloth grocery bags or better yet, scour around for some canvas or plastic bags you already have.

Wash and reuse plastic bags and containers one or more times before discarding them.

Buy in bulk and make your own individual servings instead of buying them already made up. This will save on packaging going into the landfills.

Start a compost bin, you'll be saving lots of space in the land fill while making the worlds best compost.

Instead of buying mulch, shred your leaf pile to put on your flower beds. This will compost while keeping in moisture.

Use wet cardboard or newspaper to help control weeds. Both will break down and compost back into the soil.

Plant a fruit tree or a vegetable . This will cut down on the carbon footprint of food traveling from afar.

Pass on gently used clothing and domestic items. There are many places that give them away to the disadvantaged and this helps to keep them out of the landfills.

I am sure you can think of many more simple ways to help save our resources, the ideas are endless.
In honor of Earth Day and everyday remember the 3 R's...Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Happy Earth Day!

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